Thursday, October 4, 2007

Look, I'll call you back in 15 minutes...alright, thanks Pat.

I walk through the side entrance and go into the bathroom to wet my hair and tuck in my shirt. I carry my laptop bag over my shoulder. As I walk into the dining area, I'm hoping to portray the "just woken up and grabbing a quick bite before meeting with some associates about some land development" look. I keep my phone to my ear as if to be checking my voice mail and I walk past a family enjoying the exact meal of which I will partake. I make my way into the dining hall and make myself some off the griddle. While my waffles cook, I grab a few pop tarts and granola bars. I tell the lady standing next to me "I tell ya what, they must have stuck me with the bad bed, because my back is killing...good morning." She replies "good of those days eh?" I said "yep, but hopefully this hot breakfast should take care of it." I grinned and as she looked away I stuffed 7 pop tart packets into my laptop briefcase, along with some granola bars. I prepared my waffles and made my way to a table. I picked up a newspaper to browse through as if I was interested in the local news. My a.d.d kicked in quickly and I started looking at the local car dealer ads....then it dawned on me that it would be a dead give away that I was local if I was checking out the car ads. Why would I be interested in a car from AZ. when I will be catching the last flight out tonight to Denver? So I quickly went back to the pages with politics, sports, etc. I finished my waffles and went back to get some orange juice and a toasted bagel with cream cheese. As I was toasting the bagel, I grabbed a few more pop-tarts and granola bars....I get hungry at work sometimes. I finished the bagel while reading about the best German restaurant in Arizona. I slipped the pop tarts and granola bars in my laptop case....tossed the paper plates and headed out the door. Thank you Hotel for comforting me. And thank you pretend business associates that made this all possible. I know we will close that deal with Devlen and Mac Gregor.


Richard said...

Rand Douglas, you are a criminal mastermind!

Rand LeSueur said...

Richard, join in with me. We can retire at a very young age. Instead of having enough money to send your kid to could BUY your kid a college.

Rusty said...

I just want to stay at a hotel where I can cook my own waffles.

Anonymous said...

Aren't you glad mom introduced us to the complementary continental breakfast each and every memorial weekend?